Do you offer free shipping?
Yes! We ship free for orders over $100 or if you place an order within 24 hours of another order, you can use code FREESHIP to unlock free shipping!
When can I expect my item to arrive?
Our shipping time is 3-5 business days. You should receive tracking info in your order confirmation by email or in messenger. If you’re a Local Pickup customer, you will receive an email when your item is ready for pickup!
What is your shipping rate?
Our current flat rate shipping amount is $7. However, if you're local and want to pick up your order from our store or if you have a cart with $100 shipping, then you get free shipping! OR if you place an order within 24 hours of another order, you can use FREESHIP to unlock free shipping!
Do you offer Local pickup?
Yes! If you are local to Carrollton, GA, we do offer pick up at our warehouse from 9AM-4PM Monday - Friday! The address to our Warehouse is: 3719 S HWY 16 Carrollton, GA 30116 (it should send you toward Whitesburg, GA). Sometimes, the address 3719 SR-16 Whitesburg GA 30116 will get you there easier!
What if my package says delivered but I didn't receive it?
Once it leaves Jules & James' Warehouse, it is no longer our responsibility. Feel free to contact your local post office. At USPS all of their employees have GPS scanners and can help you locate where your package was delivered.
Jules & James Boutique is NOT responsible for:
- Delays with USPS or UPS shipping
- International Duties or Customs Charges
- Lost, damaged, or marked delivered items. To file a claim with the carrier, please click the following links: