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Generosity Project Donations

Regular price $5.00
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For the last 5 years, we have given back to the community and surrounding areas in what we call our Generosity Project! Every year that we do this, we first start the day in prayer and ask God to send people who need to be blessed in our path. In the past, we have packaged meals for third world countries and donated clothing and money to individuals, families, and organizations in need!

For the last 2 years, we have purchased over $2,500 in groceries for local food ministries, gave out $1,400 worth of grocery gift cards to customers in the grocery store, bought $1,000 worth of lunches at Chick-Fil-A, and purchased over $2,500 in toys to donate to a local toy drive. We are able to give back to our community, and really the entire world, in such a large way all thanks to YOU! Your orders allow us to share blessings with those around us!

Every year, we have people ask how they can be apart of our Generosity Project, so we have created a way for you to donate and be part of missions and people that will reach all around the world! 

Free shipping on orders over $100

Packaged with care and shipped direct from Carrollton, Georgia

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Online Questions: 678-664-1607